Why does a web site need a tune up?

Reason # 1 – Out of date information

Your customers prefer up to date information. Search engines revisit your site when content is freshly maintained.

Reason # 2 – Too Flashy

We are not adverse to using flash technology, however, while Adobe estimates the penetration rate for Flash may be as high as 98%, it doesn’t guarantee that everyone has it.

Content of a Flash page is ignored by search engines.

Reason # 3 – Too Big

Visitors get frustrated with scrolling or when they can’t find what they’re looking for.

Most times potential customers are not interested in a mission statement of company history, .they want to know how you’re web site will help them!

Reason # 4 – Misses the Mark

Sometimes customers find the information they need but there is no next step.

A well designed web site encourages customers to take action and shows them to do it!
